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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 9, 2015 ~ Week 55 - (Week 1 Mandarin 1st Ward)

Hello Family & Friends!
Week 1 Mandarin 1st Ward

As you can see, yes I'm starting over with the weeks once again. 
have been transferred out of the Arlington Ward and am now serving with my best friend Sister Kloepfer in the Mandarin 1st Ward!  Oh how I love this Ward and area already and it's only been 5 days.  It will be a unique transition in the leadership aspect as I am not a Sister Training Leader anymore, but a Sister Training Coordinator along with Sister Kloepfer.  We get to travel the mission and train & serve all the Sisters!  We are having so much fun serving together in this capacity.  One of the goals that we made for this transfer is to call and talk with every Sister in the mission for a little bit.  To get to know them and make sure they feel loved and welcomed and plus, this will be the one opportunity that we get to do that because that just doesn't happen!

Sister Kloepfer actually came out with me.  We sat on the plane 
next to each other over a year ago and talked about how we were 
going to one day serve as companions.  We didn't know how it was going to happen, but it was going to happen.  And it did!  Sister Kloepfer is so bold, anyone can tell that she loves the gospel and loves being a missionary because she doesn't let one person pass by.  She is a great example to me and we work well with each other!  She is from Idaho and has five siblings.

If you are wondering, Mandarin 1st Ward is A LOT like 
Fleming Island (which was my first area).  I am so happy to be here!  We have met some wonderful people already and even invited someone to be baptized on March 28!  Her name is Tracy and she came to our Ward activity on Saturday as well as church on Sunday!  Even when it was daylights savings time (which I still don't see a point of having daylight savings time).  We fast forwarded an hour and Tracy made it on time!  Her
mom is actually a member of the church but she hadn't been since she was about 15 and has been searching for it ever since.  50 years later, she has found it through the Spirit leading us to her daughter until she found us to show it to her.  It's glorious!

I think that I mention this quite a bit in my letters, but I 
just can't get it out of my mind ever and who can ever get tired of learning about the Atonement?  The reason being is 
that we have taught two wonderful lessons about the Plan of Salvation this past week where when we were teaching and testifying about the Atonement, the Spirit felt was indescribable.  One sister said very softly, 'thank you. Thank you very much for that.  It was very refreshing to be able to hear that. It has been a long time since I truly thought about the Atonement.' Yes, the Atonement is refreshing.  It is life changing.  And the keyword here is becoming.  We can be comforted, healed, forgiven, guiltless, burdens made light, joyful, etc. and we can help each other to see that yes, everything will be okay.  I will feel like what Lehi said, forever: "Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise."  2 Nephi 2:8  Will you prepare to share the atonement with your friends this Easter?  Share with them your testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how much a blessing it is to your life. Even use the Church's Easter initiative video they have created so that you can feel comfortable
sharing the gospel.  HeLives.mormon.org

You can be a missionary.

Love, Sister McCook

Sister Kloepfer and me.

Yes.... I am holding a squirrel.

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